The last few weeks have been a really busy. As I mentioned in the last update, we had sent out for a prototype design. The PCBs and parts arrived the following week. Then we assembled them and put them through some rigorous testing. In the end… it worked PERFECTLY!

In the last week and a half we have been preparing to begin manufacturing. I am thrilled, and very relieved, to announce that we are going to start manufacturing this week! The manufacturing process is going to require about 4-6 weeks. Then we will begin the process of shipping them to all of you!

I always like to include some visuals in these updates, so here is a culmination of the prototyped revisions that we have gone through since the campaign.

energyShield Prototypes - Kickstarter to Present
energyShield Prototypes – Kickstarter to Present

On the left is the version that was in the campaign video (rev 2). Continuing right are revisions 3, 5, and 7. Rev 4 and 6 were not prototyped. Don’t worry about the green. We were just keeping the cost of prototyping down. The production version (rev 8) will our signature black. There is one version that precedes the campaign (rev 1, obviously…) that I didn’t get in this picture. It was simpler that rev 2 and had more problems. Moral: Learn surface mount soldering BEFORE you try pinless packages.

We’ll do our best to keep you all updated through this process. Thank you all for your continued support,

The NightShade Team



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