25 03, 2021

New and Improved Modules for Raspberry Pi and Arduino. NightShade Electronics Introduces the Trēo Development System.

By |March 25th, 2021|Arduino, New Products, Raspberry Pi, Trēo|0 Comments

Trēo used to monitor vacuum level and control a vacuum pump. Raspberry Pi using Trēo Modules Arduino using a Trēo SPI EEPROM module. NightShade Electronics today introduced the Trēo development system, a new way to develop electronics systems with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Trēo modules use some of the [...]

27 07, 2018

Project 1: LED Temperature Display

By |July 27th, 2018|Easy, Arduino, DIY Projects|0 Comments

Difficulty: EASY     Estimated Time: 1-3 Hours   Summary: In this project, you will make an Uno board read the temperature from a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, and then the Uno will display the temperature on the 2-digit 7-segment LED display.  This project is a great starter project to get comfortable with electronics and [...]

22 03, 2017

The energyShield 2 Pro is here!

By |March 22nd, 2017|New Products, Arduino, energyShield, energyShield 2|0 Comments

In 2014 NightShade launched a successful Kickstarter for the energyShield: a feature-rich Arduino battery shield. After months of development, we are excited to present the energyShield 2 Pro: the even more feature rich Arduino battery shield. The energyShield 2 Pro was successfully launched into the market for Makers and professionals alike in March [...]