28 08, 2014

energyShield Update #21 – Assembly, Testing, and Packing (Pictures and Videos!)

By |August 28th, 2014|Arduino, energyShield, Kickstarter|0 Comments

The last few weeks have been very exciting. We've moved through production, testing, and packing. Production Since the energyShield is basically just an assembled, printed circuit board (PCB) its manufacturing process is essentially the PCB assembly process. The process begins with a PCB design (that's what we did) and a parts list. The manufacturer (Jaycon [...]

1 08, 2014

energyShield Update #18 – Assembled in the United States of America!

By |August 1st, 2014|Arduino, energyShield, Kickstarter|0 Comments

We are proud to announce that the energyShield will be assembled in the USA! We are working with a company right here in Melbourne, FL known as Jaycon Systems. Jaycon is fairly well known in the DIY electronics community as a distributor, but they are, even more so, a contract manufacturer. Obviously they will assemble your [...]