22 02, 2014

energyShield Update #4 – Atmel has featured the energyShield on their blog!

By |February 22nd, 2014|Arduino, energyShield, Kickstarter|0 Comments

Atmel, the creator of the microprocessors on the Arduino boards, has featured the energyShield on their blog here. Hopefully this kind of recognition will accelerate our campaign! Thank you SO much for all of your support and please continue to spread the word! The NightShade Team To support us on Kickstarter, please click the link [...]

19 02, 2014

Announcing the energyShield!

By |February 19th, 2014|Arduino, energyShield, Kickstarter, New Products|0 Comments

NightShade Electronics is proud to present the energyShield! The energyShield is an Arduino shield designed with one simple purpose in mind: to help innovators everywhere power their projects without being tied to a wire. Here at NightShade we have made many Arduino projects. With each of these projects comes hours of soldering (or breadboarding). Once [...]