solarLCD Example – eS2 Pro
This example sketch is designed to demonstrate the low power abilities of the energyShield 2 Pro and the ability to implement a maximum power-point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for solar charging. This project runs an LCD display from the RAW battery voltage pin that does not sleep. This power is used to maintain the LCD display even while the power to the Arduino is turned off. When solar power is available, the Arduino runs a MPPT algorithm to maximize the power generated by the solar panel.
For more information or to download the Arduino Library check out the eS2 Pro Arduino Library Reference.
// Cached on 04/03/2018
SolarLCD - energyShield2 by NightShade Electronics V1.0
This sketch displays measured battery/charging values
on an LCD display using the LiquidCrystal library and
impliments a maximum power-point tracking algorithm to
control the voltage regulation of a solar panel for
The concept of this project is to run an LCD display in
a low power state. To do this, the back light is not
powered and the power to the Arduino is turned off for 5
seconds at a time. The LCD itself is run from the RAW pin
on the energyShield. The RAW pin is unregulated battery
voltage and does not turn off during sleep. The maintains
the displayed text.
When sun is present and the battery begins charging the
maximum power-point algorithm adjusts the solar panel
maximum power-point regulation voltage (VMPP) so that
the solar panel generates as much power as possible.
This project has proven to run indefinately with a
small solar panel. (8-20 volts, 5 watts)
Wikipedia - MPPT:
LCD Wiring guide:
LCD <-----> Arduino
LED- ----- N/C
LED+ ----- N/C
DB7 ----- D4
DB6 ----- D5
DB5 ----- D6
DB4 ----- D7
DB3 ----- N/C
DB2 ----- N/C
DB1 ----- N/C
DB0 ----- N/C
E ----- D11
R/W ----- GND
RS ----- D12
V0 ----- Potentiometer to set contrast
VDD ----- RAW (Off-header connection. Does not turn off.)
VSS ----- GND
Created by Aaron D. Liebold
on January 30, 2017
Distributed under the MIT license
Copyright 2017 NightShade Electronics
// Define solar panel maximum power point voltage (manufacturer specified (17.5V is a good guess)
#define ASSUMED_VMPP 17500
#define MAX_VMPP 22000
#define MIN_VMPP 12000
// Include energyShield 2 library files
#include <NS_energyShield2.h>
#include <NS_eS2_Utilities.h>
// include the LiquidCrystal library
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 7, 6, 5, 4);
// Initialize energyShield 2
NS_energyShield2 es2;
// Define variables
int StateOfCharge, Temperature, BatteryCurrent, RemainingCapacity;
unsigned int VMPP;
float BatteryVoltage, InputVoltage;
long lastMillis;
void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of rows and columns:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Initialize energyShield and print error is begin() does not return 0
if (es2.begin()) {
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.print("Init Failed");
while (1);
VMPP = es2.readVMPP();
if (VMPP == -1) VMPP = ASSUMED_VMPP; // If regulation is disabled (first time) set VMPP to initial guess
es2.batteryAlert(20); // Battery low LED to alert at 20%
void loop() {
if (es2.batteryCurrent() > 0) {
unsigned long lastPower, newPower;
int reverse = 0;
// Calculated current power to battery // P = V * I
lastPower = (unsigned long) es2.batteryVoltage() * es2.batteryCurrent();
do {
es2.setVMPP(VMPP, 0); // Set voltage regulation to new value, but do not write EEPROM (EEPROM has an expected write life of 1,000,000 cycles, don't waste it.)
delay(2000); // Wait for system to settle and fuel gauge to measure new average current (>1 sec)
// Reprint LCD Screen with MPPT info
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(lastPower / 1000);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
lcd.print((float) VMPP / 1000, 1);
// Measure and calculate new power
newPower = (unsigned long) es2.batteryVoltage() * es2.batteryCurrent();
// If power decreased, change direction
if (newPower < lastPower) ++reverse;
// Perturb voltage setpoint in the current direction of travel
if (reverse % 2) {
VMPP += 100;
else {
VMPP -= 100;
// Change direction if setpoint get to the edge of the acceptable voltage range (7.0V - 90% Open-circuit Voltage)
// If VMPP is set above the open-circuit voltage of the solar panel, it will never charge
if (VMPP > MAX_VMPP || VMPP < MIN_VMPP) ++reverse;
// Save newPower as lastPower
lastPower = newPower;
} while (reverse < 4); // Keep seeking maximum power point voltage (VMPP) until you have changed directions 4 times
es2.setVMPP(VMPP - 100, 1); // Set VMPP back to last best setting and write to EEPROM so that it remembers the setting even if the sun is lost momentarily
delay(1000); // Allow voltage to stabilize
lastMillis = millis();
// Measure parameters
BatteryVoltage = (float) es2.batteryVoltage() / 1000;
BatteryCurrent = es2.batteryCurrent(); // Measures average current of last 1 second // Typically displays active current; not averaged with the sleep time.
StateOfCharge = es2.SOC();
Temperature = es2.temperature() / 10;
RemainingCapacity = es2.remainingCapacity();
InputVoltage = es2.inputVoltage();
InputVoltage = (float) InputVoltage / 1000;
// Re-print LCD display
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(BatteryVoltage, 2);
lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(InputVoltage, 2);
lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
if (BatteryCurrent > 0) {
else {
lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
es2.sleepSeconds(30); // Sleep 30 seconds