Charging from a DC Source – eS2 Pro

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Charging from a DC Source 7-23V

The energyShield 2 Pro can be charged directly from a DC source (wall adapter, 12V battery, etc.) connected to the barrel jack as long as the DC voltage is 7-23V. The difference between charging from a solar panel and charging from a constant DC source is that the charging load solar panel is regulated to prevent the voltage from dropping too much. If this regulation is set and a DC source with a voltage lower than the setVMPP() voltage is connected, the energyShield 2 Pro will not charge. To allow the energyShield to charge from any DC source (7-23V) you must disable the VMPP regulation. This can easily be done with the setVMPP() command. A value of -1 will disable the regulation.

// If VMPP regulation is not disabled, disable it and write to EEPROM. 
// Do not reset if setVMPP is already correct to prevent excessive EEPROM writes (limited lifetime) 
if (eS2.readVMPP() != -1) eS2.setVMPP(-1, 1);
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